Letter from the founder

I built this workspace to help people learn and accomplish more using the internet.

Somewhere over the last 20 years our web browsers went from being a portal into an exciting world online to another app cluttered with noisy information that had to be "managed". Slowly and quietly, a poorly organized browser workspace became accepted as a necessary evil of being a digital worker.

For many, the modern web browser is a tool for complex sense-making and creative problem-solving and not just a way to view a website. And despite the vast resources available through our browsers, the information we actually need often seems one click too far because we have to wade through a cluttered mess of tabs and app windows.

We can't reduce the overwhelming amount of web pages available on the internet, but we can help you stay sane by organizing and summarizing your tabs automatically. We can clean up irrelevant tabs and notes in the background for you and summarize important content when you need it. We can even drive your browser to automate simple tasks for you so you can spend more time doing what you enjoy and less time searching for websites, logging into accounts, and scanning web pages for dates and prices.

Long-term, we envision a personal AI system that works privately to assist you in your daily life. Your AI and your data will live on your own machine, and will use both your private data and the world wide web to find what you need and take care of simple tasks on your behalf. Similar to how your appliances are serviced but remain your property, we'll continuously improve the underlying AI system in your workspace without an ulterior motive of selling your data, showing you ads, or pushing an agenda.

I believe the internet is one of mankind's great equalizers and that we've only begun tapping into the radical ways it can improve education, science, and innovation. Through this workspace, I hope people everywhere can harness the wonder and resources of the internet to accomplish their dreams.

You lead the way, and we’ll follow you down the rabbit hole,